Friday, August 24, 2012

Benefits of Lemons

There are many benefits to different types of fruits and vegetables that we see in our local grocery stores every day. Lately, I've felt more drawn to natural foods and this past year has been a year of new tastes for me. I started drinking water more often and soon I began adding lemons into the mix. Not only was I making a sweeter drink, but I was also contributing to the vitamin c intake of my body.

Quick Lemon Benefits

Lemons may be linked to killing and fighting off cancer cells. Lemons have also been known to rid the stomach and other parts of the body of cysts and tumors. Lemons are able to fight off bacterial infections and fungi as well, they even regulate blood pressure. It's a natural anti-depressant and lowers your stress levels.  They're a natural facial cleanser, and help fade freckles and sunspots. Use them to clean your home with instead of chemical induced cleansers. And did you know that you can use the whole lemon? Even the bitter rime? Just place your lemon(s) in the freezer and when frozen, take a cheese grater and grade the the lemon over your meals or drinks, (Whiskey anyone?) not only will it make your meal and drinks more flavorful but it will benefit your body as well! How easy!?  

Lovely Lemon Earrings
Photo Credit: lunashineshine

Hand Stamped Pillow Cover - here comes the sun
Photo Credit: JoshuaByOak

Sweet Lemon Cream Soap Handmade Cold Process, Vegan Friendly
Photo Credit: Blushie

How do you use lemons in your everyday life?

Don't forget to check out my Etsy shop here

Much Love, 

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