Sunday, May 5, 2013

Retro Inspired Finds On Hautelook Under $100 each!

Chic Clothing for an affordable cost: 

Mesh White/Black Flowers Dress
Deep V-Neck Romper
Betsy Woven City Dress
Color Me Dress
Angela Woven Cocktail Dress
Floral Print Dress

Don't forget make up located here on Hautelook!

Hot Mama - Blush/Shadow
Meet Matt(e) Nude - Size Matt(e)rstheBalm Girls Lipstick - Anita BoytoyFrat Boy - Blush/ShadowtimeBalm Concealer - Lighter than LightOvershadow Eye Shadow - Work is Overrated

Thursday, April 4, 2013


     Here. In this place. In your words and your space. You can be anyone you want to be, you can be the someone you've dreamt to be. As time passes and I grow older, I have become more in control of my emotions and feelings. I have become used to the idea that people in life do leave you. Because I have been and will continuously be let down throughout my life. Through this awareness, I have abandoned the fear that comes with others being unhappy with who I am. But I think that one thing that does become difficult for me to do daily is to express my true and accurate feelings without them running into a blunt and oh so sudden wall. I know I don't write much on here, as some of my writings and open thoughts tend to get me in trouble at times, but I have come to the conclusion that if I don't just blatantly say it then I have failed myself. Because as 2013 approached one of my yearly goals was to be honest in all that I do. And at times, I feel like I have failed that part of my resolution. And to be quite frank with you, I am tired of failing. I'm done being a loser; I chose to be done with that a long time ago during youth. Although, not just a loser in the aspect of bad luck, but a loser in the sense of choice. I am no longer “a choose to be loser” per say, but instead I am a woman of (yes I say woman as I am quickly approaching 20, which still sounds and feels foreign) of accomplishment. Yes. Accomplishment. This word feels so much more warm and close to me rather than anything else. So instead of hiding behind nice words and trying to please others around me as to not offend anyone, I’m done. I can still be an accomplished, kind, giving and spiritual person without sacrificing my beliefs to please other people. I have been laughed at and called crazy for some of the thoughts that I bring to the table, but I have also been rewarded and connected to others through those very same thoughts. So judge me.

I'm babbling.
With love,

Monday, April 1, 2013

Staying in Tune with Yourself.

"And if you were a river, run dry, well I'd sing you sweet bye and bye."
- Kasey Chambers, Wayward Angel 2004

(Project by Riittai Konen and Karoline Hjorth, found photo at this blog)

The List Project:
      Today I stumbled upon a list created by Laura, from roots and feathers. I found the list to be very inspiring and soon became interested in creating my own. Moorea Seal has created a 52 week list project to help all of her lovely earth sisters. I am always writing and jotting down my thoughts, trying to express feelings that I don't always get to express throughout my busy days. I am constantly trying to grow and become the person whom I want to be, though it is a struggle at times. So today I gave in to my heart, and I wrote down aspects of my life that mean something to my soul and my spirit. Some of it is personal, so I haven't shared the entire list but it gives you a peak into important aspects of my life. Enjoy. Perhaps, you too, could create your own list.
Much Love,

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Vintage Kitchen Goodies


     I'm not entirely sure what got into me this past week, but I have literally felt like a kitchen Queen. Baking wise at least. I've found baking pretty enjoyable, and it definitely makes me feel great when others appreciate it as well. Because Sammy has just moved in, we don't have much kitchen ware. So, I've  compiled a little pretend shopping list of items I would love to have in my future kitchen. Enjoy! :)

Retro Style Bread Box

Kitty Cat Fridge Magnets 
Two, Posh Pussycats - Fridge Magnets - Vintage Home Decor

Spring Time Measuring Spoons
Wildflower Measuring Spoons

Vintage Style Wall Clock

Buzzin' Cake Pan

Pushed Out to Tea Travel Mug

The Roller Queen

Each item has a source button below each photo, just click on the link and the button will take you to the original source that I found the product. Have a great week!

Much love,

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Full Moon, April 27th.

Choose love.
Choose patience.
Choose life.

Soak in the Moon...
And Trust in yourself.

Unknown photographer / Seen on: uberhumor

But do not neglect to trust in others as well.

Much Love,


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Oz Inspiration



Vintage Green Feather Hat - Mid Century Bonwit Teller Structured Cloche / Designer Brimmed


All images and screen shots from the movie are owned by Disney. I am not claiming any of these photos as my own. The green feather hat for Evanora can be found in this etsy shop, here. The rest are available at Modcloth!

Much love,

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Knocking.

     There aren't really words to describe what motivated me to go to Ireland. Not really an explanation on how it all happened. All I know is it was a tug at my heart and I knew I had to do it. This summer I will be traveling to China for school, which I am extremely excited about. But what comes after? I can not constrain myself to only a few places. I feel there has been a knocking on my heart to visit a new place after China, a new place closer to home.

Arizona Christmas Trees

With love,


Monday, March 11, 2013

Feeling the Void

     I know all of us have had days where we feel empty. Where at times, ideas seem hopeless. And lately I have felt little to no inspiration to continue working on my projects. I have dabbled and piddled in them, but not taken full charge to them. I feel a space in what I need to communicate that's not there. I have a calling, yet I am afraid to reply. Afraid in the sense of, is it the right thing to do? Is it what's best for not only my current life, but also my spiritual one as well? The thing that I think we as people, living and breathing, struggle with is fear. Especially in Christianity, we live to worship a very powerful God. And at times, new ideas can seem scary and we must always keep in mind that every action we make, no matter how small will have a long-term effect. So I guess what I am trying to say is I have some praying to do. Although I feel a strong and very evident calling, I don't want to rush into anything, because I have learned from my past and I know that if I have concerns... My desires and naturalistic callings can wait.


With love,



Tuesday, February 12, 2013


     I want to start this post off with a big thank you to the new year. What a relief. Who knew that by progressing into the new year that there would be so much positive energy! I think a lot of people have really stuck by their new year resolutions and are probably continuously making new resolutions through out the whole year. So to all of you upholding your resolutions, thank you for inspiring me to achieve mine as well.
      Emotionally I have journeyed in a very positive direction. After many nights of prayers to help uplift my spirit into brighter days, it finally happened. I finally started seeing more positive aspects of every day life and common activities. Things have definitely looked up for me. I think a lot of it has to do with my new schedule, thankfully I enjoy my courses fairly and am studying for exams at this time as well! It has also became better to leave home much more than it use to. Sammy has officially moved to Denton and life feels for the first time, complete. Like maybe, just maybe I know what I'm doing for once. But... We can never be too sure. ;)

Here are some of my instagram photos.(captain_chlorophyll) Last week Sammy and I spent the entire time on the go. In my opinion it was a transitioning time for both of us. As we were both getting used to the idea of Sammy living in Denton we were also running around, getting errands done and so on.  Some big things happened too. Not two weeks ago I decided to dye my hair red and it turned out really pretty. I also finally went to the salon and had it trimmed and my hair couldn't be more thankful. But that's not the big news. Sammy bought a truck! I am really proud of him and thankful for everything he does for me, because he won't be using his other new car he has officially given it to me to drive. So I have a car now!! I couldn't be more stoked or thankful or even blessed. I am hoping that life continues to be as tranquil and happy as it is now for a very long time.

     - Much Love -
