Tuesday, July 17, 2012


It is now less than a week before I leave for Ireland. Words can not express the different types of emotions that are enveloping me as of right now. It has been a life long dream to travel to Dublin, Ireland. When I was young, I always felt a calling strung and sewed tightly into my heart that I should visit this country. And every time someone questioned me, asking why I was not going to travel somewhere closer or perhaps cheaper, I simply told them that this is where I wanted to be. To me, Ireland is a place of true love. Love that struggles but succeeds, love that is never ending. I find it warming to know that all people will eventually have a calling to do something in there life. And this is mine. And I'm pushing forward, and really, actually doing this. 




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  1. Oh how exciting! I would LOVE to go to Ireland. There's just a certain charm about those castles and countrysides that pulls at my heart strings, too. It's always nice (and inspirational) seeing other people finally fulfilling their life goals/dreams. Best of luck and safe travels on your journey!


  2. Thanks Ell! I feel the same away<3

    Thanks for your wishes!

    Much love,
